I will call this business a startup consulting business, but it’s not really that. I could all it a small business incubator. I could call it a marketing firm. I could call it a business coaching program. I could all it a business partnership or a joint venture partnership designed to help budding entrepreneurs launch their dream into the real world. I could call it all of those things, and I would be correct in doing so. What Noah Zark really is, is a small privately held boutique business assistant.
I decided to call my company Noah Zark because the biblical story of Noah. Noah was saved by a global flood by an ark the Noah and his family created with the help of divine guidance. I can’t offer divine guidance (although I am pretty darn good at what I do). The story of the ark resonates with me. It is an allegorical representation of the type of guidance that many small business owners need. Many entrepreneurs have dream, they have a desire to bring that dream to life, or to build a family legacy. The problem is that they lack some of the crucial skills needed to turn their dream into a raging success. Just like Noah, they need someone to step in and guide the construction of their own personal ark.
The silly play on words that make up the name Noah Zark gives my visitors a clue that my company is not like everybody else. The standard model is a joke, the traditional way of doing business is predatory, the consulting world is full of big promises and little results. I want Noah Zark to be different.